Thunderstone Search Appliance
Thunderstone™ Search Appliance

Google Search Appliance
Google™ Search Appliance GB-7007 

Number of Pages Supported 500,000 and up 500,000 and up
INVESTMENT (Cost of Ownership)    
Startup Cost $20,000 $30,000
License Type Perpetual 2-3 years
Must be renewed to continue working.
Maintenance and Support (first two years) included included
Maintenance and Support (years 3+) Available Requires license renewal at full cost
Detect misspellings and suggest corrections Yes Yes
Search multiple file types, including HTML, Office and PDF Yes Yes
Standard Thesaurus Yes Yes
Custom Thesaurus Yes Yes
Advanced Search Yes Yes
Stemming Yes Yes
Wildcard Yes Whole words only
Metasearch (across collections) Yes Yes
Relevance Ranking Customizable Customizable
Sort results by date Yes Yes
Query terms highlighted Yes Yes
Dynamic summaries Yes Yes
Highlighting PDF hits Yes No
Force to top (Best Bets, Keymatch) Yes Yes
Crawl third-party websites Yes No
Index documents on multiple servers Yes Yes
Filter by file types, meta tags, web sites Yes Yes
Crawl dynamic content Yes Yes
Crawl password protected areas Yes Yes
Forms-based authentication Yes Yes
Continuous crawl Yes Yes
Multiple collections Yes Yes
Read, index and follow JavaScript Yes No
Read, index and follow Shockwave/Flash Yes No
Index file servers without setting up a web server Yes No
Remove common (navigation menus etc) Yes No
Duplicate Removal Yes No
Lotus Domino Yes Yes
Proxy Server Support Yes Yes
Web-based Administration Console Yes Yes
Search results customizable with XSLT templates Yes Yes
Document Level Security Yes Yes
Web-based reports Yes Yes
URL Tracking Yes Yes
Remote Management - anytime anywhere Yes Yes
Remove URLs in real-time Yes No
Add URLs in real-time Yes No
Remote Diagnostics Yes Yes
Support includes major releases Yes Yes
Telephone support Yes Optional
Content Management Yes Yes
Index most languages Yes Yes
XML output option Yes Yes

Feature list based on Google Product Features web pages. Google, Google Mini and Google Search Appliances are trademarks of Google Inc.


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